The lead architecture studio began working on this project based on a lot of planning and communication. Many participatory meetings were held with neighbors and stakeholders to try to turn the area into a comprehensive, inclusive and attractive center. Located in an area of great historical interest and heritage protection, the projected multifunctional center interacts with the Linderud mansion that gives its name to the new complex. It was important that the images showed the respect and synergy that rose between what existed and what was imagined. Although there were already modern housing constructions, shopping centers and office buildings, a series of actions were proposed to improve the overall area and one of the objectives of our work was the production of illustrations that reflected the relationship between new endeavors and existing elements, between private and public sectors and between the buildings and the ample landscapes that act as public parks. It was necessary to convey the idea that everything was an integral project where people from the most varied origins gave life to a new private square for public use. It is a global idea that concentrates the most diverse activities on all levels and with two complementary illustrations.